Classroom Conduct Policies

Atelier students are expected to be on their best behavior during art class. All students will be asked to sign a behavior contract, agreeing to abide by the following rules established for the art studio.

The number one rule is to be respectful. Please respect others and the studio.

Respect for others:

  • Keep language and conversation topics school-appropriate (at a PG level) so everyone can feel welcome in the class.

  • Atelier is a safe space for all students, regardless of religion, disability, race, color, age, nationality, gender, gender identity, sexuality, etc. Speak kindly to and about everyone. Avoid gossipping or excluding others.

  • Listen to and follow all instructions from the instructor.

  • Work on your own artwork, and don’t touch or comment on anyone else’s project without their permission.

Respect for the studio space and supplies:

  • Use communal art supplies only as instructed, and keep them in good condition so others can use them as well.

  • Clean up after yourself.

  • Stay in your seat unless you have a reason to be up. Running, chasing, doing gymnastics, and climbing are not allowed.

  • Be mindful of the other businesses in the building by keeping voice levels conversational and keeping the bathrooms and common spaces clean.

Cell Phones/Technology:

  • Cell phones are provisionally allowed so students can listen to their own music, look up reference photos, or reply to an important message. However, if a phone is a distraction, keeping the student or others from working on their art projects, the student will be asked to put it away.

  • Repeated distracted phone use may result in the instructor discussing the issue with parents or guardians.

  • Students are welcome to bring in a laptop or tablet to work on digital art.

Food and Drinks:

  • All outside food and drink (with the exception of water bottles) must be finished and discarded or put away before students can begin working on art projects.

  • Do not eat anything that has touched paint or other art supplies, and wash hands before eating.

Art Content:

  • In general, students are free to draw or paint whatever subjects interest them.  Be thoughtful in choices of subject, as other students, parents, and very young children visit the studio and may see your artwork.  The instructor has the final say on whether a project’s content is appropriate and allowed.

Dress Code:

  • All students need to maintain normal clothing coverage appropriate to be in a public place.

  • There are many hazards in the art room, so be aware that any clothing you wear might get ruined. Wear clothing that you don’t mind getting messy. Clothing with fringes, ties, etc. that may drag through paint, or that is made from fabrics that are expensive or difficult to wash is not recommended. 

  • Clothing with crude language or inappropriate graphics is not acceptable in the art classroom.

Miscellaneous Policies:

  • All students under the age of 18 must remain in the building for the duration of their class, and ask before leaving the classroom for any reason (e.g. to use the restroom) so the instructor can keep track of where everyone is.

  • Weapons of any kind are not allowed in the studio.

Studio Safety

At Atelier, students have the opportunity to use artist-grade (high quality) art supplies. These supplies make it easier to make beautiful art and are used by professional artists across the world. All of the art supplies in the studio can be used safely, as long as the risks are understood and proper precautions are taken. However, because artist-grade art supplies are quite different from the paints made for kids, they need to be used carefully.

Potential Hazards

Specific Oil Painting Concerns
Oil paint is not water-soluble, so brushes must be cleaned with a paint thinner, such as turpentine or mineral spirits. To change the consistency or flow of oil paints, oil painting mediums (aka “glaze”) may be used. The paint thinner and many kinds of oil painting mediums are flammable and highly toxic if ingested. Their fumes can cause dizziness or headaches, and they can be absorbed by the body through skin contact, causing irritation or inflammation.

Other Art Supplies
Paint pigments and other art supplies may include metals and minerals that can cause irritation or damage if ingested or put on the skin. Being in the studio may also expose students to fine dust from charcoal or pastels, or harmful fumes released from glues, fixatives, and other materials. The studio takes precautions to provide supplies with non-toxic pigments and to limit exposure to other potentially harmful chemicals, but some risks remain, so each student must take care to use supplies in a safe manner.

Staying Safe in the Studio

The instructor will work to ensure studio safety by providing paints that include the least harmful ingredients, and high-quality odorless mineral spirits and mediums, which minimize the danger for oil painting. They will ensure that the HVAC system is on, allowing for airflow in the space. Additionally, all students will be provided with training and guidance so they understand the proper use of each supply. Despite instructor efforts, there are elements of painting that remain hazardous if students don’t comply with safety regulations.

In order for students to be able to use the art supplies, especially paint, the following rules must be followed at all times. Failure to comply with these safety regulations will result in the student no longer being allowed to use the art supply.

  • Do not eat or drink (or pretend you’re going to eat/drink) paint, painting mediums or glazes, paint thinners, water for cleaning brushes, or any other art supply.

  • Do not eat food that has touched paint, mediums, or paint thinner. Wash your hands with soap and water before eating any food after painting.

  • Do not purposely put paint on your skin or on other people. (Paint does tend to get on lots of surfaces and it’s easy to accidentally get paint on your arm. Just don’t do it on purpose, and clean it up IMMEDIATELY if it does get on you.)

  • Don’t touch the paint thinner (“turp”) with your bare hands.

  • Follow instructions on the proper use of each art supply.

  • Wash hands thoroughly after painting.

Please note that due to the additional risks presented by oil painting supplies, oil paint will not be offered as an option for kids under the age of 10. If younger students want to achieve an oil-like effect for a painting, acrylic paint can be used.


If a student consistently fails to follow directions or adhere to important safety protocol, behaves inappropriately, or causes significant disruption to the class, their parent or guardian will be notified of the issue, and a plan will be made to correct the problem.

If a student continues to consistently disregard rules and cause problems after parental/guardian notification, the student may face expulsion from class without the option to resume classes in the future.

Some serious infractions, such as willfully destroying studio property, theft, threatening others, bringing a weapon, putting oneself or others into danger, selling or distributing drugs or other controlled substances, or other reckless, dangerous behavior, will result in immediate expulsion from art lessons.

Logistical Policies, Payment, Etc.

Class Registration/Payment

Atelier runs on a semester schedule for classes and payments. Studio classes are billed according to the number of classes held in the semester, at a rate of $25/class, which means that semester pricing may vary slightly from one weekday to another.

This semester system allows the studio to close for holidays and other breaks. Atelier’s studio closures loosely follow the Canyons School District calendar, with several deviations and additional closures. (View or Download Calendar)

In order to attend classes at Atelier, you must register online (go to for more information and to register) and payment must be made in advance of the first class date. Registration is managed through Sawyer. In order to register, you will have to make an account with the Sawyer service. The entire semester can be paid in full, or you can choose to pay in installments. These payments can be made by card or ACH transfer.

If you would prefer to pay via cash or check, or for other alternative payment methods, please contact the studio directly to discuss setting up a payment plan, and to get a code to use at checkout on the online software. Regardless the payment method, you will still be required to register online for the class.

A drop-in option is also available for students who do not wish to register for the full semester.

For all non-automatic payment options, you are responsible to make sure that you are paying on time. Any payment more than a week overdue (according to the plan you set up with Atelier) will incur a $10 late fee. You will be alerted of these fees via text or email. An additional $10 charge may be added to the fee each week that the payment is late. If payment is not received by the end of the month, your enrollment may be canceled and your student dropped from the class.

Drop-off and Pick-up

Due to limited space, and to be courteous to students in other classes, please be prompt in your drop-off and pick-up. Do not drop off your student more than 10 minutes before their scheduled class time. Pickup is expected promptly at the time that class ends. If you are going to be late for pickup after class and your child does not have a phone, please text or email the instructor with your expected arrival time.

There is no guarantee that anyone will be at the studio outside of class hours. The instructor may arrive or depart from the studio within 10 minutes of the class’s start or end time, and may need to lock the building upon departure.

The instructor cannot keep an eye on students waiting before class or for pickup outside of the classroom, including along the wheelchair ramp outside the studio or by the door to the building. Parents may give permission (during sign-up, or in writing) to allow their child to wait outside of the classroom with the understanding that the area is NOT supervised. Without parent permission, students will be required to wait inside the classroom until 1) an adult to come in to the building to pick them up, or 2) they receive confirmation of your arrival (i.e. seeing your car pull up, receiving a text message or call, etc). Students who bike, walk, drive, or take a bus home may leave as soon as class is dismissed.

Absences & Make-Up

By enrolling for a class, you are reserving a seat, regardless of if you make it to class or not. As such, no refunds will be issued for missed classes.

If you are unable to attend class for any reason, please give advance notice via text or email, if possible.

After missing 3 classes in a row without giving notice or communicating your intention to return, you may be removed from the class list and your spot can be given to another student.

Make-Up Classes

Students will be given the opportunity to attend a maximum of two (2) make-up sessions for missed classes throughout a semester. Make-up classes will be held periodically throughout the semester, and upcoming make-up opportunities will be posted on the Atelier website, and sent via email. Make-up classes during other class times will no longer be available.

In order to attend a make-up class, you must register for a drop-in time on the calendar at least 24 hours in advance of the make-up class time. Make-up classes are only available to currently enrolled students, and all make-up classes must be completed within 30 days of the missed class. Make-up classes can be completed in advance of a planned absence.

If you schedule a make-up class, then fail to attend at the time you scheduled for without giving at least a day’s notice, you cannot schedule a new make-up time for that absence. (No make-ups for make-up classes.)


If the instructor must cancel a class unexpectedly, students will have the option to schedule a special make-up session (which will NOT contribute to their semester make-up limit) or to receive a refund for the price of the canceled class.

Class cancellations due to inclement weather or other unforeseen circumstances will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.

If you wish to permanently discontinue art lessons, please give at least one week’s notice before your scheduled  end date. Your seat in your current class will then be forfeit and a partial refund of the remaining semester balance will be issued. You will also be dropped from any future classes or camps you may have registered for, and refunds will be issued. Cancellation refunds cannot be issued retroactively for class dates that have already passed, and refunds will not be issued if there are two or fewer classes remaining in the semester.

Special circumstances may be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.